Monday, January 29, 2007

I Love My Sister!

Honestly, I really don't know who's funnier, her or me. We make a great team. We don't talk often but thankfully there is email. She also has the url for this blog but I don't know if she reads it. Well, if you do, Sis', you're absolutely the best! Thank you for keeping me SANE (relatively?) even though I know we wonder so often whether we both are ourselves.

She's my only sibling and the only person in my family that I can talk to.


Anonymous said...

It is good that you realize how lucky you are to have her.

It's only been in the past couple of years that my sister and I have managed to work through all of our issues with each other and become friends.

I am not sure how I survived without her.

I told my son the other day to make sure that he appreciates his baby sister...because when they are all grown up she will be the only one that will ever be able to truly understand what it is like to have me for a mother. :)

Patient Anonymous said...

Hi michelle, that's cute. Yes, it's a lot easier when you can, at the very least, "get along" with your sibs but if you can be close with them...yes, that's really special. Some people really aren't that lucky and when you come from fractured families it can take a lot of work. My sister and I didn't become close until we were adults as well. And it took some effort, also.